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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

First Post


Might as well get that over with.

I am not gonna pretend that my very first post on a personal blog is gonna be the best thing ever. I've never written for my consumption, let alone that of a broader public. I've pretended to write for myself, sure. Every lame english assignment you get in high school (and college, if you weren't wise enough to sneak those AP credits by, and became an engineering major where writing is less about personal expression and more about describing methods of doing stuff to stuff using fancy equipment) is for the consumption of the teacher, no matter how much you pretty it up with too-long words and what YOU think are clever turns of phrase.

This. This though, is a whole 'nother animal.

I have no illusions. No one will read this but me. Maybe someone will search the wrong thing and find it on Google. Maybe one day I will grow foolhardy and put the link on Facebook, never to be private again. But most people don't care. Hell, I don't care really. If I really cared, I wouldn't put the kind of personal stuff on here that I probably will. That I know I will. Hell, I'm planning a pseudo-nostalgic, fake-eloquent rant about my only college hook up regret (so far) as I type this, my second overly-long sentence (though this time I used Hyphens!). But it might be fun.

So. What the hell. Into the internet this goes, never to be only my own again. But now I can't say I've never blogged. If that's good or bad, well, I'll find out, won't I?

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